Black Outdoor Lounge Chair in Between Blue Swimming Pool Under White Cloudy Blue Sky

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Geome green

Industry ​Trend

According to a 2022 research report by the United ​Nations and Temasek Holdings, over 56% of business ​travelers and tourists with travel experience in the Asia-​Pacific region prefer staying in hotels that embrace ​environmentally friendly operational principles.

Currently, in the entire hotel market, those actively ​implementing ESG actions and serving as examples are ​few, including chain hotels.

International hotel chains are injecting ESG elements ​into their hotel brands, but due to their vast systems, ​completing this massive transformation task within a ​short period of three to five years is challenging.

The hotel industry is transitioning from traditional ​management and operational models to ESG-oriented ​business models.

Modern Bedroom Suite 3D Render

Welcome onboard this revolution in hotel/lifestyle business with us!

Luxury hotel lobby

I​ndustry Trend (2)

  • Primary Operating Models

The Hong Kong hotel industry is dominated by international chain ​hotel operations and independently owned hotel properties, each ​with its unique management model.

  • ESG Geome Hotel Eco System

We are set to introduce a cross-industry hotel management system ​designed based on ESG principles, sustainable business concepts, ​and tailored for future industry trends.

Welcome to Geome Group, we are...

We are a British Virgin Islands holding company with associates in the hotel business division of Blackstone Group in London.

We specialize in providing hotel and resort chain investment opportunities and green consumption for specific consumer groups on behalf of investors, as a cross-border ecological enterprise based on advanced ESG (and more) concepts.

We are also a hotel and resort creative brand management and operation company with sustainable development capabilities.

Your cross-border ecological hotel management operator.

Outdoor dining at an African resort
Human Hands Putting a Young Plant to the Soil

Our Mission and Promises

ESG is not just a slogan or PR operation for us, but a series of strategic decisions and action guidelines that we are actively implementing.

Under the ESG framework, we plan and develop feasible and profitable investment management return plans for like-minded investors.

By using creativity, technology, and business aesthetics, we reposition hotel properties with a brand new image design and management style to face society, communities, target markets, and customers. Through brand influence, we increase the value of hotel properties while maintaining stable revenue and profits.

We aim to establish a cross-border ecological sharing world where all stakeholders can leverage their strengths to advance common values and business ideas.

Ongoing Projects

4-Star Hotel

Organic Lifestyle Reconstructing

Grand opening 2026 Q1

Hong Kong

Mong Kok

Modern Bedroom Suite 3D Render

The First ESG Flagship Hotel in APR

Grand opening soon in 2025, Q2

Hong Kong

South Hong Kong Island

Our Vision

Decor Code

Beam Plus: Embracing the Beam Plus decor ​code, our hotels prioritize sustainable and ​eco-friendly design, creating a visually ​appealing and environmentally conscious ​atmosphere.

AI Energy Saving & Suit-​To-Demand Smart ​Program

Implementing cutting-edge AI technology, ​our hotels lead in energy efficiency and ​personalized services, ensuring a tailored ​and sustainable experience for every guest.

The Core Va​lue

With ESG & AI expertise, Geome Green ​Hospitality Management Company will ​redefine and reposition the Hong Kong ​flagship hotel as the first ESG hotel in Asia-​Pa​c​ific Region.

Creative Center

Creative Center (B2B & B2C): Our ​innovative approach aligns with the Creative ​Center philosophy, ensuring a unique and ​engaging experience for both business ​partners and customers.

The Core Team

Quotation Mark

CCO holds an impressive track record of ​expanding operations into top-tier cities ​across the Asia-Pacific region, including ​Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Tokyo in ​Japan, Taipei and Kaohsiung in Taiwan. He ​is able to demonstrate team's ability and ​further lead and shape the first well-known ​hotel chain, resort and private club in the ​Asia-Pacific region.


CCO of Geome, Winsor

Quotation Mark

Zack is a executive who has previously held ​a senior management position at the ​headquarters of a multinational brand. He ​has experience in developing, establishing, ​and operating upscale hotels and private c​lub chain with a focus on fine dining, bars​, elite social venues, fitness and yoga spas​, and leisure facilities.


COO of Geome, Zack Chen Ph.D

About Us...

The Partners

We have cooperated with the following ​hotel and AI experts, creating brilliant ​achievements in the Asia-Pacific ​industry:

  • Funders & LLP are industry expertise
  • Mature industry connection with top ​management & owners
  • Trackable performance in the top ​ranking hotel chain managements
  • Fully supported by government (ITC), ​NGOs, and science park
  • In-house R&D team members

Affirmation Worldwide

One of the main team members was also selected as one of the "100 people who have influenced the Chinese hotel industry since 1978" due to outstanding contributions to the Chinese hotel industry.

As a Country Manager for a globally renowned hotel chain, opened up the outbound market for travel and accommodation hotels on a pacific island.

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Contact Us

We base in...


Room501, No.721-715, Belgian Building, ​Mong Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR

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Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


9:00 am to 12:00 noon

Gradient that fades to transparency








  • 曾經以總部高級主管的職務,負責開發籌建和開張、運營一個跨國品牌的私人俱樂部連鎖事業
  • 俱樂部的經營項目涵蓋了餐廳、酒吧、都會精英社交埸所,健身和瑜伽Spa館及休閒設施等
  • 先後拓展香港、新加坡、馬來西亞日本東京、台灣台北、高雄等亞太一流城市並引領,形塑了亞太地區首個私人俱樂部知名連鎖品牌


  • 以區域經理(Country Manager)的職位為一個全球知名連鎖酒店集團開辟出境(Outbound Market)旅遊住宿酒店市場
  • 一年的時間,創造出其他地區要花上好幾年才能達到的品牌知名度和銷售佳績

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Gradient that fades to transparency







a 市場及消費趨勢的研判,並製訂出具創意的可行的​行動方案;

b 能夠結合現代科技在這個行業的先進運用,凸顯公​司在營運系統,產品&服務的創新,並形成核心競爭力

c 通過謹慎的財務分析和生成的有用數據,作為商業決​策的重要依據。此外,對連鎖加盟事業在進,銷,存等​關鍵營運節點也有一套系統而獨特的運行方案,且可​應對消費市場的不斷變遷和考驗;

d 有針對性地培養下屬或同事,成為獨當一面,盡可能​引領他們成就公司的合夥人團隊成員,是我們主要團​隊成員的職責並且成為我們的共同價值觀。 e 我們​這樣的團體才有可能成為總部及其投資人的最佳拍​檔,并使公司的可持續性發展成為可能!

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Gradient that fades to transparency







  • 團隊主要成員亦有因為中國酒店業作出傑出貢獻被選為“改革開放30年,影響中國酒店業100人”的人物之一。

  • 由中國國家旅遊局(現官方名稱為文旅局)首批頒發授予星級酒店總經理執業資格證書的極少數外資經營管理被認可的高階管理人材。



  • 萬豪國際酒店集團
  • 四季酒店集團
  • 香格里拉酒店集團
  • 希爾頓國際酒店集團
  • 安逸爵美酒店資產&管理集團

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For All Visitors...

We are committed to providing our target customer group with upgraded products and services that enhance their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Eco-friendly, eco-healthy, and green consumption are the languages we use to communicate and interact with our customers.

We view consumers as stakeholders and aspire to become a "lifestyle partner" to grow and progress together!

Teapot on the Table Outdoors


In​sights and Updates

Thinking woman in restaurant

Leading by Example: How a Small Vegetarian ​Restaurant Champions Eco-Friendly Practices

A small restaurant's leadership in integrating ​sustainability into their business model, highlighting ​that true ESG initiatives are driven by strong, ​valuable beliefs regardless of business size or ​industry.

Green Eco Building

ESG, for Shaping Good Business

The article emphasizes the need for immediate ​action to shape a sustainable consumer market and ​business practices, urging the hotel industry to lead ​in ESG standards before the next phase of the ​plastic ban in 2025.

Girl with a choice near the forked road

Navigating the ESG Shift in Business Models: ​A Fork in the Road

Companies can either follow government ​regulations and industry standards using ESG as a ​reference framework. Setting new goals based on ​ESG principles, may foster potentially more ​innovative business models.